Friday, November 10, 2006

The Double Life of Veronique

Oh, what joy! I just stumbled across this classic from 1991 by Krzysztof Kieslowski with Iréne Jacob as lead actress. I dont know what it is about this film, but it imposes a very special feel to me. The music by Zbiginiew Preisner is fabolous - you may remember him from the epic classical compositions he made for "Trois Couleours" -blanc, rouge & bleau - also movies by Krzysztof Kieslowski.

Oh my, if you haven seen this one - do the right thing.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Classical painting technique? Snobbish?

Hi, this is an extract from the readings I go through in order to learn the "Classical oil painting technique", "Flemish technique" or "Rembrandt style" - whatever it is called.

Check this out:

1. Stop looking at modern art and stop loving it. Modern bright colors and hue contrasts destroy the subtle vision of the painter who risks to study classical painting in our time.

2. Many painters get an energy charge from music. Stop listening to any modern music and begin listening only to classical music. Try to begin loving it.

I think the guy is serious!

The artist...

I know, not a pretty sight, but someone has to do it. So here I am - in a messy tshirt on a sunday morning..*S*

My work in progress....

Yes, I know - it is a bit messy, but so is the mind of an artist. This is my work in progress - I dont care to show much details, as it is in progress. I'm working on the third layer (called the PODMALYOVOK) and it is the layer following the IMPRIMATURA (the second layer). I have been a good boy and taken good photographs of all the individual stages, so I will be sure to post these later as a composition.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Language preference...

I decided, that I for now will type in English, as I have visitors not only from Denmark, but from other countries too. This goes for comments as well if you will be so kind.